The Hardwick Foundation's group of 14 people returned to the Maasai Mara in February of 2022 to provide emergency dental care. The statistics below can’t possibly account for the deep joy attached to each person that was treated. These numbers are more than numbers. They reflect people in pain, unhealthy circumstances, who have jobs and families that rely on them. As Jim says, “we can’t boil the ocean,” but it is the beginning of treating and educating toward a future of prevention. The work is BIG! We are passionate and ready!
Total results for four days of clinic:
Total People Treated = 261
Total Procedures Done = 979
Numbers of people turned away... Hundreds.
Total Extractions = 136
Total Fillings = 51
Total Anterior Fillings = 88
Total Pulp Caps/Medicine for the Nerve = 8
Total Hygiene Cleanings = 134 Total Silver Diamine to Arrest Decay = 112
Total X-Rays = 225
Total Exams = 225
We were thrilled to receive such a kind email from an observer of the dental clinic.
“It was lovely to meet you and I felt very honored and humbled to be invited to witness the wonderful work you and your colleagues carried out at Basecamp to support the local community. Every single member of your team was full of graciousness and care for each patient you treated and the thought you had put in to providing entertainment for the children and the way you succeeded in putting frightened children at their ease was truly outstanding. The equipment you were using was far in advance of that seen in my own dental surgery! Most importantly, your kindness and expertise in helping people who would never normally have access to this treatment shone through.” -Sue Miller, England.
Thank you to the manufacturers and distributors for the donations of product that helped us treat 261 people in 4 days.
ATStill Dental School
Burkhart Dental Supply
Certol International
Decon Laboratories
Elevate Oral Care
GC Corporation
Henry Schein Dental Supplies
Kavo Dental Company
Patterson Dental
Paradise Dental Technologies
Ultradent Products
Tool Bank Phoenix
Zirc Dental Products
We want to thank each of you for the many private donations, product and time! It takes the hands and feet of many to take care of each other. The next dental trip will be February 2023!!! We are grateful for your continued support.
- Jim and Jody Hardwick, Hardwick Foundation